“If you care to find me, look to the Western Skies”


This week I sold the house, packed up the last of our stuff and have moved from where I’ve lived for the last twenty five years. I’m no longer bi-coastal. I’m once again a Westerner.

The experience of moving is always stressful. This move was made even more stressful by the length of time we were there, the few things we could move, and the fact that I had to do it all wearing a face mask.


Changing Times


Every day things change around us. Usually it is not as dramatic as this change was for me, but constant change is the state of life. As the pre-Socratic philosopher Heraclitus noted, “We can’t step in the same river twice”. We can deal with the fact of constant change in one of two ways: we can fight the current, or we can go with the flow.

A major component of the current today is a virus that we know next to nothing about, except that we can get it from contact with an infected person or something that was in contact with an infected person. We also know that in some cases it’s fatal.

The only thing we can do is limit our contact with other people.

For those of us involved in theater, going with the flow means creating work that can be performed in a space other than a crowded theater.

Our suggestion for this week is to browse online theater, and check out all the great stuff available.

Stay safe.